İşitme kayıplı pediatrik bireylerin gelişiminin normal pediatrik bireyler ile karşılaştırılması
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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada sensörinöral kayıplı pediatrik bireylerde (0-6) gelişim
düzeylerinin incelenmesi, nasıl bir gelişim yapısına sahip oldukları ve bu doğrultuda
bu bireylere nasıl bir eğitim yapısı oluşturulacağı hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak
Çalışmamızda işitme kaybı olan sensörinöral tipli 50 hasta üzerinde araştırma ve
analiz yapılmıştır. Aynı araştırmada işitmesi normal olan yine aynı sayıda hasta
olmayan deney grubu ile de çalışılmıştır.
Bu bireylerin gelişim durumu anlamak ve düzeylendirmek için AGTE(Ankara
Gelişim Envanteri Testi) ve DGTT( Denver Gelişim Taraması) 2 testleri
. Bu araştırmada işitme kaybı yaşayan çocuklarda bilişsel gelişim motor gelişim
düzeylerinin; işiyme kaybı olmayan çocuklara göre daha zayıf oldukları anlaşılmıştır.
Fakat bu düzeyler istatiksel olarak yansıtıldığında anlamlı sonuç olduğu
Kümeler, değerlendirildiğinde normal işitme sahibi grubun içinde "sıradışı"
sonucuna hiçbir bebekte veya çocukta rastlanmazken, sensörinöral işitme kaybı olan
grupta %35 oranında "sıradışı" sonuç tespit edilmiştir.
Yine bu yayın kriterine göre sensörinöral kayıplı çocuk bireylerde Denver 2
gelişimsel yapı düzeyine göre dil konuşma kabiliyetinde ve kaba motor
gelişimlerinde gözle görülür bir derecede yavaşlık söz konusu olmuştur. Fakat ince
motor yönetimi ve sosyal alanda anlamlı farklılıklar gözlemlenmemiştir (p>0.05).
Kulaklar arasındaki fark açısından gözlemlediğimizde anlamlı bir farklılık
gözlemlenmemiştir. (p>0.05).
In this study, it was aimed to examine the developmental levels of pediatric individuals (0-6) with sensorineural loss, to have information about what kind of developmental structure they have and how to create an educational structure for these individuals. In our study, research and analysis were performed on 50 patients with sensorineural type with hearing loss. In the same study, the same number of patients with normal hearing were also studied with the experimental group. AGTE (Ankara Developmental Inventory Test) and DGTT (Denver Developmental Screening) 2 tests were used to understand and level the developmental status of these individuals. The results of the research conducted in both test groups were met with quite structural results. In this study, cognitive development, motor development, language cognitive development levels in children with hearing loss; They were found to be weaker than children with normal hearing. However, when these levels were reflected statistically, it was not seen that there was a significant result. (Based on AGTE SUB-GROUP TESTS) When the clusters were evaluated, no "extraordinary" result was found in any infant or child in the group with normal hearing, while an "extraordinary" result was found in 35% of the group with sensorineural hearing loss. A statistically significant difference was determined between these obtained results. It should be taken into account that this research was conducted according to Denver 2 developmental test methods. Again, according to this publication criterion, there was a noticeable slowness in language speaking ability and gross motor development according to Denver 2 developmental structure level in children with sensorineural loss. However, no significant differences were found in fine motor management and social domain. (p>0.05). There were no significant differences according to the lateralization of hearing loss. (p>0.05).
In this study, it was aimed to examine the developmental levels of pediatric individuals (0-6) with sensorineural loss, to have information about what kind of developmental structure they have and how to create an educational structure for these individuals. In our study, research and analysis were performed on 50 patients with sensorineural type with hearing loss. In the same study, the same number of patients with normal hearing were also studied with the experimental group. AGTE (Ankara Developmental Inventory Test) and DGTT (Denver Developmental Screening) 2 tests were used to understand and level the developmental status of these individuals. The results of the research conducted in both test groups were met with quite structural results. In this study, cognitive development, motor development, language cognitive development levels in children with hearing loss; They were found to be weaker than children with normal hearing. However, when these levels were reflected statistically, it was not seen that there was a significant result. (Based on AGTE SUB-GROUP TESTS) When the clusters were evaluated, no "extraordinary" result was found in any infant or child in the group with normal hearing, while an "extraordinary" result was found in 35% of the group with sensorineural hearing loss. A statistically significant difference was determined between these obtained results. It should be taken into account that this research was conducted according to Denver 2 developmental test methods. Again, according to this publication criterion, there was a noticeable slowness in language speaking ability and gross motor development according to Denver 2 developmental structure level in children with sensorineural loss. However, no significant differences were found in fine motor management and social domain. (p>0.05). There were no significant differences according to the lateralization of hearing loss. (p>0.05).
Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Odyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu: Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training ; Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları = Child Health and Diseases
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ankara Gelişim Tarama Envanteri, Denver 2 Gelişim Tarama Testleri (Dgtt 2), Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory, Denver 2 Developmental Screening Tests (Dgtt 2)