Bir Aile Sağlığı Merkezine Başvuran Diabet Hastalarının Regülasyon Durumlarının Değerlendirilmesi
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Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Amaç: Çalışmamızda aile sağlığı merkezinde diabet teşhisi ile takip ve tedavi altında olan hastaların metabo-lik kontrollerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma 01 Temmuz- 01 Ekim 2015 tarihleri arasında İstanbul ilinde hizmet veren bir aile sağlığı merkezinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden diabetli hastalarda glisemik parametreler ve eşlik eden faktörler değerlendirilmiştir. Toplam 29 soru içeren bir anket uygulanmıştır. Bu ankette; katılımcıların sosyodemografik özellikleri ve diabetle ilgili özellikleri sorgulanmıştır. Ayrıca hastaların Vücut-kitle indeksi (BKI), açlık kan şekeri (AKŞ), tokluk kan şekeri (TKŞ), hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) değerleri kaydedilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences) sürüm 15.0 istatistik programı kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılanların %64,5’i kadın, yaş ortala-ması 55.64±12.05’dir. Katılımcıların %57,9’unun metabo-lik kontrolleri kötü, %20,6’ının sınırda, %21,5’i ise iyi ola-rak değerlendirilmiştir. Katılımcıların cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim durumu ve medeni durum ile metabolik kontrol durum-ları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olmadığı, gelir durumu yüksek olanların metabolik kontrollerinin daha kötü olduğu görülmüştür. Diabet eğitimi alma durumu, diyete uyma durumu, egzersiz yapma, beden kitle indek-si ve evde kan şeker ölçüm cihazı olması ile metabolik kontrol durumları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Diabet süresi 1-5 yıl olanlarda ve te-davide oral antidiabetik kullananlarda metabolik kontrol iyi bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Diabetli kişilerin regülasyon durumları genel ola-rak kötüdür. Diabetli kişilerde regülasyonu etkileyen çok sayıda faktör bulunmakta olup, hem hastaların hem de sağlık hizmeti verenlerin bu konuda daha titizlikle dav-ranmaları gerekmektedir.
Objective: The study aims to evaluate the metabolic control of patients with diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus followed up at Family Health Center. Materials and Methods: This study was performed between July 1,2015-October 1,2015 at a Family Health Center located in İstanbul Turkey. The glicemic parameters and accompanying factors were evaluated in diabetic patients that accepted to be included in study group. The study included 29 questions socio-demographic characteristics and about diabetes. Additionally body mass. index, blood glucose level and pre and post prandially, level of Hemoglobin A1c values were also noted, Statistically SPSS 15.0 (Statistical Program for Social Sciences) was used for analysis of results. Results: 64.5% were female of subjects. Mean age was 55.64±12.05 years. Metabolic regulation was poor in 57.9%, intermediate in 20.6% and good in 21.5% of the patients. When the age, educational background and marital status were considered, there was not a statistical correlation with metabolic control but better economical condition correlated with worse metabolic control in this study. Again Educational level about Diabetes Mellitus, diet, exercise, body mass index, having a home glucose meter were also not correlated with matabolic control. Conclusion: In diabetes mellitus, glyceamic regulation is generally unfavorable, Glyceamic control in diabetic patient population is related to diffrent factors and further efforts by the patients and health center were recommended.
Objective: The study aims to evaluate the metabolic control of patients with diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus followed up at Family Health Center. Materials and Methods: This study was performed between July 1,2015-October 1,2015 at a Family Health Center located in İstanbul Turkey. The glicemic parameters and accompanying factors were evaluated in diabetic patients that accepted to be included in study group. The study included 29 questions socio-demographic characteristics and about diabetes. Additionally body mass. index, blood glucose level and pre and post prandially, level of Hemoglobin A1c values were also noted, Statistically SPSS 15.0 (Statistical Program for Social Sciences) was used for analysis of results. Results: 64.5% were female of subjects. Mean age was 55.64±12.05 years. Metabolic regulation was poor in 57.9%, intermediate in 20.6% and good in 21.5% of the patients. When the age, educational background and marital status were considered, there was not a statistical correlation with metabolic control but better economical condition correlated with worse metabolic control in this study. Again Educational level about Diabetes Mellitus, diet, exercise, body mass index, having a home glucose meter were also not correlated with matabolic control. Conclusion: In diabetes mellitus, glyceamic regulation is generally unfavorable, Glyceamic control in diabetic patient population is related to diffrent factors and further efforts by the patients and health center were recommended.
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Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE
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