Gazze Şeridi Belediyelerinde Üst Yönetim Açısından Stratejik Planların Uygulanmasındaki Engellerin Tespiti ve ÇKKV Yöntemleriyle Değerlendirmesi
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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Belediye, halkın ihtiyaçlarını karşılama ve yaşam kalitesini artırma amacına
yönelik faaliyetlerde bulunan kamu tüzel kişiliğidir. Bu faaliyetlerde bulunurken her
örgüt gibi, sürdürülebilirlik ve büyüme hedeflerine ulaşabilmek adına değişimle
yüzleşmek, gelişime ve çevreye ayak uydurmak durumundadır. Stratejik planlar
hazırlamak ve uygulamak bu hedeflere ulaşabilmekteki vazgeçilmez unsurlardır.
Bu çalışmada, en önemli Gazze Belediyeleri (Cebaliye Alnazlah, Gazze, Deir
Albalah, Khan Younis ve Rafah) araştırma evreni olarak seçilmiş, bu belediyelerdeki
stratejik planların hazırlanması ve uygulanması, uygulanmada karşılaşılan engeller
üzerinde durulmuştur.
Araştırmada, Betimsel Analiz Yöntemi kullanmış, anket aracı olarak
araştırmanın örneklemine uygulanmış ve araştırma evreninden 487 kişiye dağıtılmış
ve %83,9 oranında yanıtlanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde ve açıklanmasında SPSS
istatistiksel analiz programı kullanılmış, yine üst yönetimin görüş ve
değerlendirmelerini almak için Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemlerine
Bu çalışmanın sonunda, Gazze Belediyelerinde stratejik planların
uygulanmasının önündeki engellerde; üst yönetimin stratejik planlara yönelik
tutumlarının, uygulayıcıların stratejik planlar geliştirmeye katılımının, beşerî ve mali
kaynakların, yetenekler ve yürütme mekanizmalarının (idari sistemler, programlar,
bütçeler ve prosedürler) istatistiki açıdan etkili olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Çalışma,
üst yönetime ve çalışanlara; stratejik planlar hazırlamada, planların uygulanmasının
önündeki engelleri ortadan kaldırmada, teşvik edici ve destekleyici çözüm önerilerinde
Municipality is a public legal entity that engages in activities aimed at meeting the needs of the public and improving the quality of life. While carrying out these activities, like every organization, it has to face changes and keep up with developments of the environment in order to achieve its sustainability and growth goals. Preparing and implementing strategic plans are indispensable elements in achieving these goals. In this study, the most important Gaza Municipalities (Jabaliyah Alnazlah, Gaza, Deir Albalah, Khan Younis and Rafah) were selected as the research population, and the preparation and implementation of strategic plans in these municipalities and the obstacles encountered in implementation were emphasized. In the research, Descriptive Analysis Method was used, it was applied to the research sample as a survey tool and was distributed to 487 people from the research population, with a response rate of 83.9%. SPSS statistical analysis program was used to analyze and explain the data, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods were used to obtain the opinions and evaluations of the senior management. At the end of this study, the obstacles to the implementation of strategic plans in Gaza Municipalities; It has been found that top management's attitudes towards strategic plans, practitioners' participation in developing strategic plans, human and financial resources, capabilities and execution mechanisms (administrative systems, programs, budgets and procedures) are statistically effective. The study addresses senior management and employees; It prepares strategic plans, eliminates obstacles to the implementation of plans, and offers encouraging and supportive solutions.
Municipality is a public legal entity that engages in activities aimed at meeting the needs of the public and improving the quality of life. While carrying out these activities, like every organization, it has to face changes and keep up with developments of the environment in order to achieve its sustainability and growth goals. Preparing and implementing strategic plans are indispensable elements in achieving these goals. In this study, the most important Gaza Municipalities (Jabaliyah Alnazlah, Gaza, Deir Albalah, Khan Younis and Rafah) were selected as the research population, and the preparation and implementation of strategic plans in these municipalities and the obstacles encountered in implementation were emphasized. In the research, Descriptive Analysis Method was used, it was applied to the research sample as a survey tool and was distributed to 487 people from the research population, with a response rate of 83.9%. SPSS statistical analysis program was used to analyze and explain the data, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods were used to obtain the opinions and evaluations of the senior management. At the end of this study, the obstacles to the implementation of strategic plans in Gaza Municipalities; It has been found that top management's attitudes towards strategic plans, practitioners' participation in developing strategic plans, human and financial resources, capabilities and execution mechanisms (administrative systems, programs, budgets and procedures) are statistically effective. The study addresses senior management and employees; It prepares strategic plans, eliminates obstacles to the implementation of plans, and offers encouraging and supportive solutions.
Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı / İşletme Bilim Dalı
Konu: İşletme = Business Administration
Anahtar Kelimeler
Stratejik Planlama, Stratejik Yönetim, Stratejik Engeller, Stratejik Uygulama, Stratejik Değerlendirme, Stratejik Geliştirme, Strategic Planning, Strategic Management, Strategic Obstacles, Strategic Implementation, Strategic Evaluation, Strategic Development