Halkla İlişkiler Perspektifiyle Yapay Zekâ (A.I.)
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Turkish Studies - Social Sciences
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Ünlü iletişim kuramcısı Neil Postman “Teknopoli Yeni Dünya Düzeni” adlı kitabında insanları, “teknolojik değişiklik, toplama bir eklemek ya da toplamdan bir çıkarmak demek değildir, önemli bir değişiklik topyekûn değişikliğe sebep olur” biçiminde uyarır. Postman’a göre teknolojik araçların ekolojisi de bu şekilde çalışır. Yeni bir teknoloji ne bir şey ekler ne de çıkarır; her şeyi aslında tamamen değiştirir. 21. yüzyılın en çok konuşulan buluşlarından biri de “Yapay Zekâ (A.I.)” teknolojisidir. Bilgisayar sistemiyle oluşturulan robotların tıpkı bir insan gibi düşünmesini ve insan gibi hareket etmesini sağlamak amacıyla oluşturulan bir teknoloji olan Yapay Zekâ (A.I.), insanı taklit ederek gelişir. Yapay Zekâ (A.I.) sistemi “ses tanıma ve anlama, görüntü işleme, doğal dil işleme ve anlama” özellikleri ile çalışır; çamaşır ve bulaşık makinelerinden, diz üstü bilgisayarlara, insansız hava araçlarından, navigasyonlara, ilaç dizaynının hızlanmasından, dilini bilmediğimiz insanlarla anlaşabilmeye hatta kişisel asistanlığa kadar birçok farklı alanda kullanılır. Her endüstriyi kademeli olarak değiştirmeye başlayan Yapay Zekâ (A.I.), halkla ilişkiler alanını da dönüştürme sürecindedir. Bu çalışmada, literatür tarama yöntemiyle Yapay Zeka (A.I.) halkla ilişkiler uzmanlarının yükünü nasıl hafifletir, sıradan ve zaman alıcı görevleri uzmanlar adına nasıl yapar, uzmanlar otomasyondan ve Yapay Zekâdan (A.I.) korkmalı mı? vb. gibi çeşitli sorulara cevap bulunmaya çalışılacaktır. Çalışmanın önemi, Yapay Zekâ (A.I.) kavramını ve uygulamalarını artı ve eksi yönleriyle ele almak, bu süreci halkla ilişkiler prensipleriyle değerlendirmek ve halkla ilişkiler bakışıyla yorumlamak açısından değer kaydetmektedir. Ayrıca çalışmanın amacı Yapay Zekâyı (A.I.) halkla ilişkiler perspektifiyle irdelemektir ve bu uygulamalar alana nasıl yön verebilir, değişim sürecini nasıl tetikler sorusuna bir yol haritası oluşturmaktadır.
In his book, Technopoly, the famous theorist Neil Postman warns people that technological change does not mean adding a unit to a whole or subtracting a unit from the total. According to Postman, "change" may changes the whole. According to Postman, the ecology of technological tools works in this way. A new technology does not add or remove anything; it actually changes everything completely. One of the most talked about inventions of the 21st century is “Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)” technology. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), a technology created to enable robots created by the computer system to think and act like a human, evolves by imitating human beings. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) system works with “voice recognition and understanding, image processing, natural language processing and understanding” features; It is used in many different areas such as washing and dishwashing machines, laptop computers, unmanned aerial vehicles, navigation, acceleration of drug design, agreement with people who do not know the language, and even personal assistance. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which has begun to change each industry gradually, is also in the process of transforming the field of public relations. In this study, with the literature scanning method following questions tried to answered: "How can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) relieve the burden of public relations experts?", "can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) do ordinary and time consuming tasks on behalf of experts?", "should experts fear automation and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)?" etc. The importance of the study is to consider the concept and practices of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) with plus and minus aspects, to evaluate this process with the principles of public relations and to interpret it from the perspective of public relations. In addition, the purpose of the study examines how Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) how can guide the field of application and draw a road map during the change process.
In his book, Technopoly, the famous theorist Neil Postman warns people that technological change does not mean adding a unit to a whole or subtracting a unit from the total. According to Postman, "change" may changes the whole. According to Postman, the ecology of technological tools works in this way. A new technology does not add or remove anything; it actually changes everything completely. One of the most talked about inventions of the 21st century is “Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)” technology. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), a technology created to enable robots created by the computer system to think and act like a human, evolves by imitating human beings. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) system works with “voice recognition and understanding, image processing, natural language processing and understanding” features; It is used in many different areas such as washing and dishwashing machines, laptop computers, unmanned aerial vehicles, navigation, acceleration of drug design, agreement with people who do not know the language, and even personal assistance. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which has begun to change each industry gradually, is also in the process of transforming the field of public relations. In this study, with the literature scanning method following questions tried to answered: "How can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) relieve the burden of public relations experts?", "can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) do ordinary and time consuming tasks on behalf of experts?", "should experts fear automation and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)?" etc. The importance of the study is to consider the concept and practices of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) with plus and minus aspects, to evaluate this process with the principles of public relations and to interpret it from the perspective of public relations. In addition, the purpose of the study examines how Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) how can guide the field of application and draw a road map during the change process.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yapay Zekâ, Halkla İlişkiler, Teknoloji, Robot, Yeni Medya, Artificial Intelligence, Public Relations, Technology, Robot, New Media
Turkish Studies - Social Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri