Çalışma Ortamında Psikolojik Taciz Erzurum İli Üniversiteleri Bazında Bir Çalışma
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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Psikolojik taciz, bireylerin çalışma hayatında karşılaşabileceği en büyük problemlerin başında gelmektedir. Psikolojik taciz iş hayatında bireylerin olumsuz davranışlara maruz kalmasıyla başlar ve onarılması çok zor yıkımlar meydana getirir. Bu negatif davranışlar silsilesi bireyi yıpratmak, işte devamsızlık yapmaya zorlamak, ruhsal bunalımlar yaşatmak ve en son olarak da bireyin işten ayrılmasına sebep olmak amaçlı yapılan planlı psikolojik saldırılardır. Bu ve benzeri durumların mağduru bireylerde artan oranda sıkıntılar baş göstermektedir ve böylece birey iş motivasyonunu kaybederek iş kazalarına sebep olabilmekte ve performansında düşüşler gözlenebilmektedir. Bu durumda ise bireyin işten atılması artık kaçınılmaz bir son olmaktadır. Kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarında da psikolojik taciz vakalarına sıkça rastlanmaktadır. Tıpkı çok önemli bir hastalığın insanı öldürmesi gibi psikolojik taciz de kamu örgütlerinin işleyişini çökertmektedir. Bu duruma engel olmak örgütlerin verimliliği ve etkinliğini artıracaktır. Bundan dolayı da psikolojik tacize sebep olan bütün etmenleri araştırmak ve gerekli önlemleri almak örgütler için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Tezin asıl amacı cinsiyet farklılığının ve akademik unvanın psikolojik tacize maruz kalma hususunda ne denli bir etkisi olduğunun araştırılmasıdır. Erzurum ili üniversitelerinde yapılan bu anket çalışmasını 394 üniversite akademik personeli cevaplandırmıştır. Yapılan bu araştırmada üniversite akademik personelinde psikolojik taciz vakalarının fazlaca yer almadığı tespit edilmiştir. Kadınlar ve erkekler arasında bir farklılık olmadığı görülmüş, sadece akademik unvanın etkili olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: yıldırma, mobbing, psikolojik taciz, psikolojik şiddet,duygusal saldırı, akademik personel, duygusal taciz, ruhsal bunalım, motivasyon,
Mobbing is one of the biggest problems that individuals may come accross in working life. Mobbing starts with individual's being exposed to negative behaviours in working life and cause destructions which are very difficult to rehabilitate. These negative behaviour strains are planned psychological attacks that are made in order to maket he individuals miserable, force to be absent from work, cause to have mental depression and finally cause the individual to leave the job.Victims with these situations may have increasing problems and so, the individal loses his/her job motivation, cause working accidents, experience performance slippage. In this case, it is inevitable to fire the individual. In state institutions and organisations, mobbing are seen quite often. Just as an ilness's killing a person, mobbing collapse running of state organisations. Preventing this situation will increase the fertility of organisations. For this reason, to study all the reasonsthat cause mobbing and take required actions is vital for organisations.Main object of the thesis is to research how gender differences and academic title affect with regard to exposure to mobbing. The survey conducted in Erzurum was answered by 394 Univesity academic personnel. In this survey, it was confirmed that university academic personnels were not involved in mobbing cases very much. It was seemed that there were not much differences between men and women, it was seemed that only academic degree is efficient. Key Words: intimidation, mobbing, pyschologic violence, emotional attack,academic personnel, emotional mobbing, mental depression, motivation
Mobbing is one of the biggest problems that individuals may come accross in working life. Mobbing starts with individual's being exposed to negative behaviours in working life and cause destructions which are very difficult to rehabilitate. These negative behaviour strains are planned psychological attacks that are made in order to maket he individuals miserable, force to be absent from work, cause to have mental depression and finally cause the individual to leave the job.Victims with these situations may have increasing problems and so, the individal loses his/her job motivation, cause working accidents, experience performance slippage. In this case, it is inevitable to fire the individual. In state institutions and organisations, mobbing are seen quite often. Just as an ilness's killing a person, mobbing collapse running of state organisations. Preventing this situation will increase the fertility of organisations. For this reason, to study all the reasonsthat cause mobbing and take required actions is vital for organisations.Main object of the thesis is to research how gender differences and academic title affect with regard to exposure to mobbing. The survey conducted in Erzurum was answered by 394 Univesity academic personnel. In this survey, it was confirmed that university academic personnels were not involved in mobbing cases very much. It was seemed that there were not much differences between men and women, it was seemed that only academic degree is efficient. Key Words: intimidation, mobbing, pyschologic violence, emotional attack,academic personnel, emotional mobbing, mental depression, motivation
Danışman: Erdem Bağcı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES, Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics, Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Psychology