IJET Vol. 1, Issue 4, December 2015

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International Journal of Engineering Technologies (IJET) Dergisi / International Journal of Engineering Technologies (IJET)

Güncel Gönderiler

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  • Öğe
    International Journal of Engineering Technologies (IJET) Vol. 1, Issue 4, December 2015
    (İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press, 2015) Çolak, İlhami
    Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the editorial board of International Journal of Engineering Technologies (IJET), I would like to share our happiness to publish the fourth issue of IJET. My special thanks are for members of editorial board, editorial team, referees, authors and other technical staff. Please find the fourth issue of International Journal of Engineering Technologies at http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/ijet. We invite you to review the Table of Contents by visiting our web site and review articles and items of interest. IJET will continue to publish high level scientific research papers in the field of Engineering Technologies as an international peerreviewed scientific and academic journal of Istanbul Gelisim University. Thanks for your continuing interest in our work, Professor ILHAMI COLAK Istanbul Gelisim University icolak@gelisim.edu.tr http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/ijet Printed ISSN: 2149-0104 e-ISSN: 2149-5262
  • Öğe
    Education in Visual Communication Design Studies in the Age of Globalized Knowledge
    (İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press, 2015-11-25) Aydın, Emin Doğan
    The emergence of “the Global Information Society” has entailed Man’s full acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills so that Man, as the basis of civilization, could survive and withstand. Those who fall distant to the opportunities and the amenities provided by the latest developments in information technologies seem to be heading towards estrangement from the social flux as well as face possible difficulties to continue professional business life. The task of educating individuals who can effectively take part in “the Global Knowledge Society” is the responsibility of educational institutions among which universities come forth with their leading role in the process. The main goal of this paper is promoting consciousness regarding the rapid developments especially in the modern communications media and their cultural and economic effects as well as outlining a model that serves to make the necessary knowledge and skills possible in pursuit of success in the Information Age.
  • Öğe
    Micro-Turbine Design, Production and Testing
    (İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press, 2015-12-23) Sogukpınar, Hacı; Bozkurt, İsmail; Baran, M. Fırat; Türkmenler, Harun; Pala, Murat; Engin, K. Emre; Kaya, A. İhsan
    Large scale utilization of electricity started at the end of 19th century with the construction first power plant and there phase current was introduced. Power plant technology evolved rapidly and electricity use has increased rapidly since then. Outbreak of energy crisis in 1970s and threat of the global warming has forced the people to search clean energy resources. Among the renewable energy sources, wind energy has become the most popular case. Development of the necessary technology for wind turbines reached a commercial competence In the 1990s. Turning to wind energy in Turkey began after 2006 and has shown a rapid increase until 2015. When considering the country's wind potential it tends to stay in rapid growth. In this study, 2 kW micro-turbines is designed, manufactured and tested by using local facility. The aim of this study is to design a micro-turbine for use in low wind speed area, create industrial infrastructure related to the production of micro-turbine, and develop different production technologies for local industry.
  • Öğe
    Bending Deflection Analysis of a Semi-Trailer Chassis by Using Symmetric Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
    (İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press, 2015-12-23) Karamanlı, Armağan
    In this paper, a simple approach is presented for the calculation of bending deflection of a semi trailer chassis. The 3D model of the chassis is used to determine the moment of inertia of the cross section function and then the mathematical model of the chassis is presented as a Euler Bernoulli Beam which has the variable cross section. Different loading conditions coming from the semi trailer test procedures are applied. The bending deflections of the semi trailer chassis are numerically calculated by using the Symmetric Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SSPH) method. The first time the performance of the SSPH method for the fourth order non-homogeneous variable coefficents linear boundary value problems is evaluated. For the calculations different number of terms in the TSEs are employed when the number of nodes in the problem domain increases. The comparisons are made with the results of experiments. It is observed that the SSPH method has the conventional convergence properties yields smaller L2 error. Finally, the approach presented here may be used and found reliable for the calculation of deflection of the semi trailer chassis before the release of detail design.
  • Öğe
    Contingency Analysis of Ethiopia’s 230 kV Transmission Network
    (İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press, 2015-12-23) Woday, Mohammed Ahmed; Mammo, Enyew; Shituneh, Gezahegn; Getachew, Habtamu; Mohammed, Jemal; Dengesu, Reta
    Transmission line congestion is any one of the failure that leads the overall transmission network to be either in over loaded or under loaded condition. Loading effects of the entire network may lead the system to cascaded outage or total blackout. The study concentrated on the contingency analysis of Ethiopia’s 230KV transmission network a case of Sebeta to Kaliti transmission line. The outage of this line cause overloading on Gefersa to Kaliti transmission line and makes the system not to be secure and reliable; further cascaded outage will lead the system to the total blackout. The analysis of such problems has been investigated by considering four scenarios like normal state, single line outage, cascaded line outage and inserting Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) in to the over- loaded line. As a result, the system became reliable and secure by inserting the device in the most sensitive line of the network.
  • Öğe
    Use of Solar Energy in Electric Vehicles
    (İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press, 2015-12-23) Cengiz, Mehmet Sait; Mamiş, Mehmet Salih
    In today’s World, energy has a crucial importance for all countries. The countries search for both new energy resources and how they can use them. Energy resource is an important problem in our country, too. It is the sign of how it is important that we are mostly foreign dependent on energy. The most important energy problem is energy efficiency. When changing and developing automotive industry is handled, an important part of energy consumption consists of automobiles. So, it is clear that even small scale efficiency studies can save energy when thought in general basis (all automobiles). Practical solutions about efficiency increase in present vehicles, electrical efficiency and structure of vehicles working with energy taken from the sun is analyzed in our study.