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Güncel Gönderiler
Öğe The role of mindful eating, and intuitive eating on the relationship with orthorexia nervosa in University Students: a cross-sectional study(PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA CAMPINASNUCLEO EDITORACAO SBI-CCV, CAMPUS II AV JOHN BOYD DUNLOP S-N PREDIO ONTOLOGIA JD IPAUSSURAMA, CAMPINAS, SP 13060-904, BRAZIL, 2024) Bayram, Hatice MerveObjective The study aimed to determine the relationship between mindful eating, intuitive eating, eating attitudes, and orthorexia nervosa in university students. Methods In the current cross-sectional study, 320 students (59.4% female) were enrolled. An online questionnaire including demographic characteristics, Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire-11, Eating Attitudes Test-40, Intuitive Eating Scale–2nd edition, and Mindful Eating Questionnaire was performed. Additionally, some anthropometric measurements (body weight, height, waist, and hip circumferences) were taken with the participants’ declaration. Data were analyzed using IBM®SPSS® 24.0. Results In participants with orthorexia nervosa , the scores of “eating discipline” and “interference” scores, which are Mindful Eating Questionnaire sub-factors, were higher than those who do not have orthorexia nervosa (p<0.05). There was a negative correlation between Mindful Eating Questionnaire and Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire-11 scores (r = –0.137; p:0.014). Additionally, the one-point increase in the Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire-11 scores of participants led to a 0.101 increase in Eating Attitudes Test-40 scores (B: 0.101, SE: 0.024, p<0.001), and a 1.667 decrease in Mindful Eating Questionnaire scores (B: -1.667, SE: 0.667, p:0.014). The body mass index, Eating Attitudes Test-40, and Mindful Eating Questionnaire scores affected Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire-11 scores by 6.3% (R2: 0.063). Conclusion Our study demonstrated a negative correlation between the Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire-11 and Mindful Eating Questionnaire total scores, whereas no correlation was found between Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire-11 and Intuitive Eating Scale–2nd edition scores. However, further research is needed to classify orthorexia nervosa as a separate eating disorder and to establish criteria for diagnosis and treatment.Öğe Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Türk İnkılâbı: Siyasal İnkılâplar(İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi / Istanbul Gelişim University, 2019) Karakoç, ErcanTürk İnkılabı-Yeni Türk Devletinde Modernleşme Hareketleri: Siyasal İnkılaplar, Saltanatın Kaldırılması, Cumhuriyetin İlanı ve Cumhuriyet Kavramı, Hilafetin Kaldırılması, 1924 Anayasası