Diğer Atıf Dizinlerdeki Yayınlar
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Diğer Atıf Dizinlerdeki Yayınlar / Publications in Other Citation Indexes
Güncel Gönderiler
Öğe Effects of Meteorology Data on Crew Resource Management in Aviation(Vedat Veli Çay, 2023) Bayazıtoğlu, Altuğ Aykan; Güngör, HabibeRisks associated with meteorology must be continuously assessed and carefully managed by the flight crew to ensure the safety of flights. This study aims to examine meteorological events’ favorable and unfavorable effects on crew resource management in recent aviation operations. The face-to-face interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used, and data were collected in light of the information obtained from the pilot pool of 50 people. In the study, the opinions of the crews on what kind of flight management and data analysis application they carried out were taken, accompanied by questions directed through meteorology, flight safety, and crew resource management factors. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis method. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that theoretical knowledge of stress management and a good analysis of meteorology is of vital importance. It has been evaluated that accidents and incidents that occur indirectly in aviation in meteorology can be prevented entirely, and by drawing attention to the importance of the crew resource management factor, it has been concluded that they can be prevented by working together with advanced meteorology systems and an up-to-the-date training.Öğe Ayakta ve Yatarak Tedavi Gören Hastaların Hizmet Kalitesi Algılarının Farklı Hastane Türleri İçin İncelenmesi(Melih Topaloğlu, 2020) Saltık, Serdar; Sığındı, TanerAmaç – Bu çalışmada farklı hastane tiplerinde ayakta ve yatarak tedavi gören hastaların hizmet kalitesi algıları muayene öncesi hizmetler, hekimlik hizmeti, kişisel ihtiyaçların karşılanması-tetkik hizmetler ve fiziksel genel görünüm boyutları aracılığı ile incelenmiştir. Yöntem – Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında devlet, özel veya üniversite hastanesinde ayakta ve yatarak tedavi görmüş olan katılımcılara yöneltilen soru kağıtları ile Muğla ilinde veri toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde varyans analizi ve bağımsız t testi kullanılmıştır Bulgular – Elde edilen sonuçlara göre ayakta tedavi gören hastaların özel hastaneye ilişkin algıladıkları hizmet kalitesi düzeyi incelenen tüm boyutlar için devlet hastanesinden, hekimlik hizmetleri boyutu hariç diğer boyutlar için ise üniversite hastanesinden yüksektir. Yatarak tedavi gören hastaların özel hastaneye ilişkin algıladıkları hizmet kalitesi düzeyi ise muayene öncesi hizmetler, kişisel ihtiyaçların karşılanması-tetkik hizmetler ve yatan hasta boyutları için devlet ve üniversite hastanesine göre; fiziksel genel görünüm boyutu için ise yalnızca devlet hastanesine göre yüksektir. Tartışma – Ayakta ve yatarak tedavi gören hastaların algıladıkları hizmet kalitesi düzeyleri üniversite hastanesi ve özel hastane için farklılaşmamaktadır. Devlet hastanelerinde ise kişisel ihtiyaçların karşılanması-tetkik hizmetler boyutu açısından yatarak tedavi gören hastaların hizmet kalitesi algıları ayakta tedavi görenlere göre daha yüksektir. Bu bağlamda, istisnai sağlık hizmetleri dışında ayakta ve yatarak tedavi gören hastaların kalite değerlendirmeleri açısından farklı paydaşlar olarak değerlendirilmeleri güç görünmektedir.Öğe School Administrators Who Serve in Different Institutions Ethical Dilemmas and Their Attitudes towards These Dilemmas(Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018) Karayaman, SaffetThe aim of the study was to determine what ethical dilemmas are faced by school administrators working in different institutions, what they are doing to solve the dilemmas / according to the motives. The research is a patterned qualitative case study and multiple case design is used. 50 school administrators participated by easy-to-reach state sampling method participated. The data were collected by standardized open-ended interview technique and examined by categorical content analysis method. According to the study, all school administrators have the highest ethical dilemma related to "student affairs", "school external affairs", "personnel affairs", "monetary business of the school" and "school and student-parent associations" were experienced. It has been found on all school type, to be solved these dilemmas by "taking risks for the benefit of the school / student", "listening to the voice of the conscience", "doing what the law says it" or "seeking ways to compromise". These results are discussed in the light of literature and suggestions are presented.Öğe A Review of Studies on Academic Success in Blended Learning Approach in Turkey; A Content Analysis Study(Global Journal For Research Analysis, 2016) Karayaman, Saffet; Çelik, CoşkunThe purpose of this study is to conduct content analysis of studies on the effect of blended learning approach on academic success and determine the trends of these studies. In the study, 51 studies, which were accessed as a full text based on the keyword "blended learning" in higher education academic search engine by using the purposive sampling method, were subjected to content analysis through the Publication Classification Form (PCF). These studies were reviewed in terms of "study subject area, year of publication, research method, sampling method, sample group and size, data collection tools and data analysis methods". Frequency and percentage ratios were used in the analysis of data and the findings are presented in tables. Findings show that studies on blended learning were mostly conducted in 2012. It was found that quantitative research method was preferred more, simple random sampling stood out, primary school students were mostly included in the sample group, and the sample group generally consisted of between 31-100 people in these studies. As a data analysis method, single data analysis method was preferred more and the academic success was frequently addressed as the research subject.