Karayaman, Saffet2019-07-122019-07-1220182519-5387https://hdl.handle.net/11363/1316https://doi.org/The aim of the study was to determine what ethical dilemmas are faced by school administrators working in different institutions, what they are doing to solve the dilemmas / according to the motives. The research is a patterned qualitative case study and multiple case design is used. 50 school administrators participated by easy-to-reach state sampling method participated. The data were collected by standardized open-ended interview technique and examined by categorical content analysis method. According to the study, all school administrators have the highest ethical dilemma related to "student affairs", "school external affairs", "personnel affairs", "monetary business of the school" and "school and student-parent associations" were experienced. It has been found on all school type, to be solved these dilemmas by "taking risks for the benefit of the school / student", "listening to the voice of the conscience", "doing what the law says it" or "seeking ways to compromise". These results are discussed in the light of literature and suggestions are presented.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesEthicsEthical DecisionEthical BehaviorEthical AttitudeSchool AdministratorsSchool Administrators Who Serve in Different Institutions Ethical Dilemmas and Their Attitudes towards These DilemmasArticle4320120910.20448/journal.522.2018.43.201.209