Balkaya, CanHall, W.J.2018-12-112018-12-112017-06-282149-01042149-5262 10.19072/ijet.309372The conceptual guideway structural designs for MAGLEV (magnetic-levitation) high-speed ground transportation system are discussed by considering four different guideway designs of Bechtel, Magneplane, Grumman and Foster-Miller. The important aspects of the conceptual designs as well as some of the apparent shortcomings that will need attention in the design studies are emphasized. In this context the technical assessments and design observations may be considered for the guideway conceptual designs are given in this study.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGYConceptual Guideway Structural Design for MAGLEV High-Speed Ground Transportation SystemArticle