Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School of Health Sciences2024-12-112024-12-112024 NEW FROM SHMYO On November 12, an event titled "Preparing for Disaster Day" was organized by Dr. İlksen Sarı O., Head of the Autopsy Assistance Program.The theme of the event was "I Am Preparing My Earthquake Kit," and children who stopped by the booth learned about the critical components of an earthquake kit. Students who were interested in taking part were given questions about earthquakes, and those who answered correctly received an empty earthquake kit to fill.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessIstanbul Gelisim UniversityIstanbul Gelisim University Vocational School of Health SciencesBulletinsIstanbul Gelisim University Vocational School of Health Sciences: Monthly News Bulletin and Events (Issue: 47, November 2024)Other47