Enstrüman Destekli Kayropraktik Spinal Manipülasyon Uygulaması: Literatür Tarama
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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Kayropraktik uygulamalar, kayropraktik mesleği kurulduğundan beri özellikle omurga üzerine odaklanarak gerçekleştirilen manipülatif uygulamalardan temel alır. Zaman içerisinde pek çok farklı tekniğin gelişerek meslek içerisinde ayrı kollar oluşturması mesleğin sürekli dinamik kalarak kendini yenilemesi zorunluluğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bununla birlikte uygulamaların hemen hepsi belli başlı teknikler etrafında gerçekleştirilmektedir. Ancak aynı şekilde hemen hemen tüm tekniklerin uygulanması esnasında klinisyenin deneyimi ve mesleki becerisi ana rol üstlenmektedir. Bu da uygulamaların başarı oranı ve standardizasyon hakkında bazı soruları akıllara getirmektedir. İşte bu noktada kayropraktik uygulamaların belirli standartlarda gerçekleştirilebilmesi adına bazı cihazların geliştirilmesi gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. Enstrüman Destekli Kayropraktik Spinal Manipülasyon Uygulamalarının odak noktası; belirli bir hızda ve belirli bir kuvvette vuruşu standart hale getiren cihazların klinisyenin deneyim ve becerisine olan ihtiyacı azaltarak hastaya uygulama yapılabilmesini olası hale getirmektir. Uygulama esnasında ortaya çıkabilecek komplikasyonların da standardizasyonun sağlanması ile elimine edilebileceği düşüncesi klinisyenler arasında yaygın olarak hâkimdir. Farklı markalar tarafından bu ana fikir etrafında üretilen cihazlar şuan hali hazırda satışa sunulmuş durumdadır. Tüm bu cihazların farklılıkları olsa da hepsi yukarıda bahsedilen amaç etrafında üretilerek klinisyenlere sunulmaktadır. Bahsedilen cihazların tümü başlık kısmında belirli bir salınım aralığı olan ve içerisindeki çeşitli enerji depolamaya yarayan mekanizmaların depoladıkları enerjiyi başlıkta hareket enerjisine dönüştüren kontrollü sistemlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu sistemlerde bir yayın sıkıştırılması, elektromanyetik enerjinin depolanarak aniden serbest bırakılması veya benzer mekanizmaların kullanıldığı sistemler yüksek hızlı düşük şiddetli kontrollü vuruşlar gerçekleştirebilmektedir. Bu da uygulayıcının belirli bir doğrultuda daha önceden belirlediği bir kuvveti omurga üzerine uygulamasına olanak tanımaktadır. Bu derlemenin ana amacı; Enstrüman Destekli Kayropraktik Spinal Manipülasyon Uygulamaları hakkında klinisyenlere bilgi vererek çok bilinmeyen omurga manipülasyon tekniklerinden birine ışık tutmaktır
Chiropractic practices are based on manipulative practices with a focus on the spine since the chiropractic profession was founded. Many different techniques have developed over time. Therefore, separate branches were formed within the profession. As a result, the profession had to constantly renew itself by remaining dynamic. Almost all of the practices in the chiropractic profession are carried out around certain techniques. However, the experience and professional skills of the clinician play the main role during the application of almost all techniques. As a result of all these, some questions arise about the success rate of applications and standardization. At this point, it has become necessary to develop some devices in order to perform chiropractic practices at certain standards. The main purpose of Instrument Assisted Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Practices; regardless of the clinician's experience and skills, it is to apply a push to the patient at a standard rate and strength. It is common among clinicians to think that when standardization is achieved, complications that may occur during practice will also decrease. Devices produced around this main idea by different brands are currently being sold. Although all these devices have differences, they are all produced around the above-mentioned purpose and presented to clinicians. There is a movable part in the head part of all devices. There are various mechanisms inside the devices that serve to store energy. And they can convert this energy into motion energy in a controlled manner in the head. In these systems, there are systems where a spring is compressed, electromagnetic energy is stored and released suddenly, or similar mechanisms are used. High-velocity low-amplitude controlled hits are performed. This allows the practitioner to apply a predetermined force on the spine in a certain direction. The main purpose of this article is to inform clinicians about Instrument Assisted Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Applications and to shed light on one of the lesser known spinal manipulation techniques.
Chiropractic practices are based on manipulative practices with a focus on the spine since the chiropractic profession was founded. Many different techniques have developed over time. Therefore, separate branches were formed within the profession. As a result, the profession had to constantly renew itself by remaining dynamic. Almost all of the practices in the chiropractic profession are carried out around certain techniques. However, the experience and professional skills of the clinician play the main role during the application of almost all techniques. As a result of all these, some questions arise about the success rate of applications and standardization. At this point, it has become necessary to develop some devices in order to perform chiropractic practices at certain standards. The main purpose of Instrument Assisted Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Practices; regardless of the clinician's experience and skills, it is to apply a push to the patient at a standard rate and strength. It is common among clinicians to think that when standardization is achieved, complications that may occur during practice will also decrease. Devices produced around this main idea by different brands are currently being sold. Although all these devices have differences, they are all produced around the above-mentioned purpose and presented to clinicians. There is a movable part in the head part of all devices. There are various mechanisms inside the devices that serve to store energy. And they can convert this energy into motion energy in a controlled manner in the head. In these systems, there are systems where a spring is compressed, electromagnetic energy is stored and released suddenly, or similar mechanisms are used. High-velocity low-amplitude controlled hits are performed. This allows the practitioner to apply a predetermined force on the spine in a certain direction. The main purpose of this article is to inform clinicians about Instrument Assisted Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Applications and to shed light on one of the lesser known spinal manipulation techniques.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kayropraktik, kas-iskelet manipülasyonları, spinal manipülasyon, Chiropractic, musculoskeletal manipulations, spinal manipulation
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